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Pedodontics is a Latin word and consists of a combination of the words edo pedo gelen which means “child” and “donti“ which means “tooth”. The answer to the question of what is pedodontics is briefly in the form of dentistry which deals with babies and children from birth until the age of 13 years. Since each child's tooth development is different, it will not be wrong to say the period from birth to adolescence. The upper limit can therefore be extended to 14 or 15 years of age.

In the pediatric dentistry, also known as pediatric dentistry, protective measures predominate. The primary goal of the Department of Pedodontics is to take preventive measures to prevent problems related to oral and dental health and to transport children to the future without caries in their teeth. The procedures applied to these objectives are called preventive dentistry applications.

Why is pedodontics important?

Having a healthy and healthy mouth and tooth structure in adulthood is closely related to adequate and correct education. Gaining habits related to oral and dental health education starts at a very young age. Therefore, trainings on this subject should be given from an early age. Considering the fact that education started in the family, it is undeniable that pediatric dentists are in constant contact with families.

Why Pedodontics?

Oral and dental structures and personality characteristics of children and adults are different from each other. Therefore, oral and dental health problems of children are examined by the pediatric dental office which is a separate department.

Generally, problems with milk teeth are ignored by parents with the idea that “these teeth will fall anyway”. However, problems with milk teeth generally reflect on permanent teeth. Many problems related to milk teeth such as early tooth loss, caries and missing teeth negatively affect permanent teeth.

What problems does Pedodonti deal with?

To put it briefly, pedodontics; It deals with oral and dental health problems of all children from birth to adolescence. In addition, facial - jaw development and problems are monitored and treated in the pediatric office. Child dentist;

Providing oral and dental health education to children and their parents,

To help him gain healthy eating habits,

To educate parents to prevent early childhood bruises seen in children 71 months and younger, known as bottle caries,

Regional varnish or gel fluoride and fissure sealant applications to prevent caries

To make placeholder applications that prevent tooth slippage in order to protect the cavities caused by prematurely falling teeth or mandatory gravities for the exit of permanent teeth,

Treatments for loss, fractures, cracks in teeth caused by trauma,

Re-gluing of tooth-broken parts,

Making protective apparatus for children engaged in sports,

Filling, canal treatment and coating applications for the decay of the children's milk and permanent teeth,

The so-called amputation, if necessary, known as small canal treatment among the public,

Tooth extraction in cases where there is no possibility to save the tooth in advanced caries including tooth roots,

To make necessary applications to prevent orthodontic problems,

Orthodontic treatments such as braces, transparent plaque,

Treatment of problems related to hereditary mouth, teeth and jaw,

Night plaque application for the treatment of squeezing and grinding which can be seen in children,

It specializes in performing procedures such as treatment of gum diseases.



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